Thursday, July 31, 2014

Maps Of Interest

Holy Land as settled by The Children Of Israel
Holy Land As The Gospel spread
Christianity and features in Israel

Friday, July 25, 2014

Luke 7

1.     Roman Centurion’s Servant   (vs. 1-10)
a)     After teaching  - Sermon On Plain
b)     2nd year of ministry
c)      Vs 2 – His headquarters after hometown rejection (Matt 4:13)
d)     Centurion in chrg. of 100 soldiers
e)     Understood authority essential (just say the word) – Jesus impressed….bigtime!

2.     Jesus Resurrects Widow’s Son  (vs. 11 – 18)  
a)     Full of compassion
b)     He just happened upon funeral procession.
c)      Jesus acting in His sphere of influence – Fully man – could
Only deal with those in immediate area – not everyone in Israel.
d)      Jesus did influence the world. Although He did heal and teach
Many, He did it within a radius of about 150 miles. He did not
Heal or teach everyone in the world at that time, just those within His immediate sphere of influence.                                 
                                                                                                                                  (maps courtesy of  Generation Word) 
e)     Power over death by Holy Spirit without measure.  (John 3:34)  
f)        He had not yet conquered sin and death but soon would. (Romans 6:, Rev 1:8)                                                                                                      

3.     John The Baptist’s Questions (vs. 19-20)
a)     John in prison  (Matt 4:12)
b)     John must have wondered why he was in prison if Jesus doing miracles.
c)      Perfect God, our understanding is imperfect 
d)     The isolation of prison will make you question many things; who your friends are, what they are thinking, why they do the things you think they are doing, etc.
e)     John was a righteous man, committed to his calling and knew Jesus well. At Jesus’ baptism he was sure Jesus was the Messiah but the isolation of prison made him confirm what he once knew to be true.
f)       I’m convinced John wanted to know whether his ministry was over, if it was time to step aside or keep proclaiming the coming Messiah. 
g)     John became unsure if Messiah was military leader as well as spiritual like everyone else?                                 

4.     Jesus Answers Questions   (vs. 21 – 23)
a)      Jesus understood where John was coming from and did not get offended.
b)     Jesus instead of a rebuke gave John a clear answer from scripture. Jesus knew John knew the signs from The Law and Prophets but just needed to be “coached” that he was right.
c)      Lesson on infallibility of Law. Is what New Testament based on.  (Luke 16:17, Gal. 3:24)
d)     Jesus came to fulfill Law, not abolish it. We are not under Law because He kept it for us. Impossible for man to keep law in fallen state.  (Luke 16:17, Gal. 3:24)

        5.   Jesus’ Testimony Of John The Baptist  (vs. 24 – 29)
               a)   Jesus not only pointing out character of John but also pointing out Johns faithfulness to his calling     
b)   Jesus once again pointing out infallibility of Law and Prophets (Isa 35:3-6)
c)    Prophesy fulfilled  (Mal 3:1, Isa 40:3)
d)   John’s baptism and message was one of repentance – being sorry for not keeping law  and future purification through The Messiah.  (John 1:26-27) 
e)   cannot be emphasized enough:  Pharisees believed they had nothing to repent of,              

5.     Jesus On Unbelief  (vs. 30 -  35)
a)     Pharisees reject baptism because they though themselves had no need to repent and they did not want to acknowledge Jesus as Messiah. I believe they knew who He was all along. To acknowledge Him would be to deny self – which is the whole point.  (Gall 2:20)
b)     vs. 35 even babies and children believe – faith of a child (Psalm 8)

6.     First Anointing   (vs.36 – 40)
a)     I am always amazed at the fact that this woman had the fortitude to go to that Pharisees’ house as he was a very powerful man and had great social standing. Would this not be like crashing a party?
b)     Nothing could keep her from worshiping her Lord and Savior.
c)      Not same event as in John, Matt or Mark

7.     Parable Of Creditor  (vs. 41 – 47)
a)     In eyes of Jesus, all are equal, all people are precious an of same value.  
·         Acts 10:34  Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:
b)     All sin and forgiveness the same in eyes of Jesus but not man. Man’s mind finite – must see in degrees to comprehend.
c)      Parables for those looking for truth – “those with ears to hear”
         8.   Jesus Forgives Woman Of Sins  (vs. 48 -50)
a)                Did not speak in a parable, wanted to give clear answer so everyone would understand.
b)     Jesus not snotty ever. Sometimes He seems to give a snotty answer, but I am convinced that we think that because the question was. I believe it was not in His nature to be rude.
c)      Jesus was of course critical of the Pharisees.
d)     He was annoyed by the fact that they were controlling people through their position – in essence using God.
                    Once again shows Himself to be God
            e)    Shows compassion
             f)   Her faith in and acknowledgement of Jesus as Lord and Savior cause Jesus to forgive    
                     the sin of her fallen state.  
g)   The fact that she came there despite the disdain of the Pharisees, she wouldn’t be stopped            from worshiping her Lord and Savior.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Book Of John (One Brief Take)

John 1-2
1)      Existed in the beginning 2)      Existed in close relation to God (as a separate person) 3)      Existed as God
 Jesus is God  1)      1:1 in his pre-incarnate state 2)      1:18 in his incarnate state  3)      20:28 in his resurrected state
 John 1:1
-The word means “beginning, origin, first cause.” – beginning of history (1st beginning) / born again (spiritual)
  • Connect to Genesis … light / darkness (1:5)
  • The Word is part of creation
  • Never was a time when Jesus was not
  • Jesus is God
 1: 3-5
After describing the relationship to the Father, the Word’s relationship to creation is stated. The Word is equal with God, but superior to creation. …. The Word is not part of creation.
Proverbs 8:12-9:12 is an OT description of “the Word.” John states here clearly what the OT had been alluding to in the use of “word”
John addresses the first manifestation of “The Word” communicating with man:   Creation.
  • In creation God gave one of his greatest revelations of himself (Romans 1)
  • Jesus was the one who created everything:      1 Cor. 8:6 ,      Col. 1:16,  Heb. 1:2, Rev. 3:14
  • Life as refer to Jesus = Total 135x
“light shines” is present tense here for the first time.  The manifestation of this light into the world and into the hearts of men is a continuous action that continues even today. But, the shining of the light that occurred at creation and at the incarnation is still occurring today by that same Word. God’s manifestation of his revelation is not over and historically recorded.  It is recorded, but it is still shining in life and light today

This was not a dual between two equal powers.  Just as light is always greater than darkness, Jesus, the creator is always greater than darkness.

Nature reveals this truth.
a)      We turn on a light switch which drives away the darkness.
b)      The sun drives out the darkness in the morning.  The only reason darkness returns; the sun sets and leaves our view.
c)      We can create light with bulbs.  We cannot create dark bulbs.
d)      Darkness never drives out the light in any natural occurrence.  Darkness only occurs when light is removed or absent.

This theme will reach its highlight in the crucifixion.  This was the darkest moment. 
The darkest event completely disappears though in the light of the resurrection.
 What John introduces in these three verses continues through out the book.
  • Jesus authority in Creation both physically and spiritually
  • Parallels of light and darkness which represent:
    • Revelation and salvation (light)
    • Ignorance and sin (darkness)
The Seven Witnesses
In the gospel of John there are 7 witnesses
1)      The Father 5:31-32, 34, 37; 8:18
2)      Christ 8:14, 18; 3:11, 32; 8:37
3)      The Holy Spirit 15:26; 16:14
4)      Jesus’ Works 5:36; 19:25; 14:11; 15:24
5)      Scripture 5:39; 5:45-46
6)      John the Baptist 1:7; 1:8; 1:15; 1:19; 1:32; 1:34; 3:26; 5:33
7)      Human witnesses:
a.       Disciples 15:27; 19:35; 21:24
b.      Samaritan woman 4:39
c.       Multitude 12:17



The Prophet was sent by God, Prophets had to have evidence, No evidence proves they where false

 There Must Be Evidence to Verify the Truth
It is important to have credible witnesses to the truth.
God and John are not going to ask you to believe something without verifying its truthfulness.
To have faith (confidence) in something there must be some evidence or proof of facts.
Again, faith is not blind faith.
Bible teaching itself should be logical and make sense in the world we live.

Monday, July 14, 2014

The Things We Think

  • Praise

  • Pray

  • Resources for this study are: Bible, Foundations For Christian Growth – Hufton / Tucker (Christian Outreach Church) , Sparkling Gems From The Greek – Rick Renner

  • We will learn today that we are free from sin and have been given the ability to choose to sin or holiness. (holiness is nothing more than living and doing things God’s way)

  • We will back this up with scripture and learn the provisions God has set in place when we don’t  live up to His and sometimes our own expectations. 

Text Scripture: 1 Corinthians 10:13 -  There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

Another way to say this is: There is nothing that tempts you or me that doesn’t tempt any one else: but God, in looking out for his kids, will not let us encounter anything He has not equipped us to handle, and when temptations do come, He has provided an escape hatch so we can deal with it.

In re-establishing His Kingdom, God sent His Only Begotten Son – God on earth, (Jn 1:1 & 14), to conquer sin and death – as a substitute for us and in the ultimate sacrifice pay our debt.

1 JN 4:10 
Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son [to be] the propitiation for our sins.

Col 2:14&15

Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;

[And] having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it

Rom 8:37
No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.
1)     Paul tells us that In Christ there is hope and we have conquered sinif we are In Him
2)     Paul use the word “are” – present tense and is telling us it is a done deal!
3)     We must accept this free gift from God
  1. Dead to sin
a)            God will not give us a command that He does not give us the ability to fulfill.

b)         ability to walk above sin – New Birth  John 3:7
You should not be surprised at my saying, 'You must be born again.'   
c)           At New Birth (accepting Jesus as our Lord And Savior) God gives us a new nature. Paul calls this the “old man” and “new man” (Rom 6:6)
d)         read Rom 6 :1-6

2. Born into death

a)        Adam’s sin sin enters world – Gen 3

b)            Adam sins through disobedience – sin enters world and man is forever born into death (Gen 3) (Rom 5:12 says  through Adam’s disobedience sin enters the world)
c)            God gives law to man – it is holy and exposes man’s sinful nature, a condition that has death as the only escape  (“wages of sin is death” – Rom 6:23)
1.    un-dealt with sin
2.    temp. sacrifices only covered sin and did not deal with “sin condition” of mankind.

3.   Restored back to life – Old Testament

a) OT sacrifices to redeem people from sin – temporary covering
1.    covering of Adam and Eve in garden a type (hint or inkling) of sin covering – need to be covered for “we are naked”
2.    God provides covering of animal skins as a type (hint or inkling) of sacrifices   or temporary sacrifice offering
3.    God started dealing with sin condition as soon as man fell and indeed had a plan to restore mankind and regain His Kingdom on earth by conquering sin

4. Restored Back to Life – New Testament

a)         Foretold by Isaiah 400 years previous. (Isa 53)
b)         tells of sending The Redeemer Of Mankind – Mary told (lk 1:29-31)

c)         God came to earth Himself to personally pay the debt for sin (Col 14&15) 

d)         God redeems man through Jesus and we have life
Rom 5:19 For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous.
1.    righteousness = right standing with God
2.    Even though we have been made whole and have been given the ability conquer sin, The Bible teaches us that we are 3 part beings: spirit , soul, body.  Our spirit is born again, we renew our mind to The Word Of God (soul) but our body is unregenerate until we get to heaven (don’t want to get into the timeline of Daniel and Revelation now) – In Gal 5:17 Paul tells us of the war between our flesh and spirit:
 Gal 5:17
For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want.
e)   God has given us the ability to do all things through Christ

f) Through Christ, we have been given the freedom of choice to choose sin or not choose sin – we can effectively not sin. – Remember Creation – God big on freewill
Phl 4:13
 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
                       g) Jesus constantly told people “go and sin no more”


  • Saturate your mind and those you are responsible for with GOD’S WORD
  • Meditate on God’s Word – Josh 1:8 & Rom 12 :1-2
Can’t emphasize importance of this enough – form relationship with Him through His    Word – your thinking will eventually line up with the mind of Christ
·        The Word says to be like Him – but remember controlling your flesh (self control – Fruit of the spirit, Gal 2) is to control a raging battle within us. That battle is btwn your un-renewed flesh and your Christ renewed spirit, so remember : 1 John 4:4 that says –
 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

·        We can pick ourselves up again and move on the good news is – if we are saved God has made a provision for us – Confess our sins and Repent (be truly sorry)  1 John 1:9
·        God says if we do this, He can be counted on and it is the right thing for Him to do to forgive us (to give His kids another chance [as many as it takes] )
·        Don’t put yourself in the position to commit sin – the Bible tells us to “flee all appearance of evil” – if it doesn’t look right, get out of there!
·        By default, if we believe in good, we also believe in evil. Therefore if we believe in Jesus, we, by default believe in the devil. Now the devil is not an excuse for us to sin, we can’t say “the devil made me do it”

The devil and our flesh are 2 different things (although our flesh is the work of the devil).

  • Once again, our spirits have been renewed – made perfect through Christ, our flesh (body) will not be perfected until Christ comes back, there in lies the battle
  • It is not a sin to be tempted, only wrong to give in to sin – temptation of Jesus (Mat 4) – creation (Gen 3)