Do Your Job

We are living in the most hostile times towards Christians the U.S. has ever seen.  You don’t have to look very far at all to find examples.  We have enough examples to fill any number of  ACLU lawyer’s briefcases. 

This Godless  attitude is confirmed  more and more in our courts. Domestic rulings with issues such as gay marriage, abortion, traditional Christmas displays in public places, as well as prohibited Christian practices or displays  in semi-public arenas – because Muslims are offended abound.

Let‘s not forget foreign policy, where the trend is more and more towards a god (if any at all) that is definitely not the God of Abraham, Issac and Joseph. The U.S. forsakes long time allies (Israel) in favor Muslim, Israel hating countries. Clearly, counties that hate us too.There is a very visible attack on Judaeo-Christian ethics. and it seems, Christianity in particular.

We, as followers of Christ, have been told (By Jesus) this would happen. I am not suggesting to not stand up for what is right by Kingdom standards.  By all means, as Kingdom People we are charged to stand up for, and spread the Truth of the Kingdom.

I offer only one solution. It is not profound. I don’t have a magical three step list. I am simply going to tell you (and myself) TO DO YOUR JOB!

We must remember first and foremost, these people are God’s Creation. These are the people God came to earth for. We must not get duped into an us verses them mentality.  Even though portraying a secular view, for their company, government, or whatever, these are the people you and I were called to evangelize.

Believing in God is highly unpopular in most media influenced sectors. This means everything from newspapers and their slant on opinion to Hollywood and TV to the government's God exclusive political correctness. You know, where the interpretation of “freedom of religion” becomes “freedom  from religion”. This attitude of “Godless political correctness”  now spills over to corporate America, affecting our larger companies (for now) – I’m thinking of insurance companies, banks, and  hospitals (even, or especially - faith based).

The ONLY  difference between a believer and unbeliever is one already has accepted Jesus and one has not. The unbeliever may never believe or accept Jesus. This is of coarse His choice.  We can only do our part in presenting or making available The Gospel. Ultimately, the decision HAS to be made by that person
Now, that person, may have made up their mind about Jesus a long time ago. Our job, whether you are called to present the Gospel face to face to the individual, or you are called to some aspect of formal ministry, or whether you are called to be a secretary in a church or perhaps you are called to encourage your co-worker – your ONLY job, is to do your job! and that is to find and fulfill your calling and to pray! and do your Job! 

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