Evident In Nature

Nature screams...THERE HAS TO BE A CREATOR!

I think every believer has an "aha" moment, when they first know there is a God. A moment that defines, then, or in the future, the way they look at themselves, others, and God. 

That moment may not have an impact on anyone's life for several years, not at all, or it may have an impact immediately. That's a matter of the person's free will -  what he or she does, or doesn't do with it.  

My aha moment happened when I was twelve years old. I didn't pursue knowing Him immediately after. He stayed with me though. (I couldn't resist getting to know Him once I realized He stayed in pursuit of me). 

As I said, I was twelve years old. I was also on a deer hunt with my dad and mom, as well as another couple who were friends of theirs.

 We had gone to our guide's ranch to sight-in rifles and a general equipment check before the  hunt, the following day. 

The ranch was in very scenic valley. Several acres of green pasture. A red sandstone wall on one side, with a rocky wall on the other side, a brook running down the middle. A cabin on each side of the brook (two brothers and their families lived in them - one brother being our guide) and some out buildings and horse corral - truly picture post card stuff...that was only the beginning,

After we were done with our rifles and hunting equipment, we drove back on that same picturesque roadway that we had driven in on. We pulled the car over to take pictures, and just take in the view. The view was stunning. 

It was a box canyon, with three sides of (at least) 200 foot tall red sandstone walls. The side  we were on, had a steep, rocky descent - covered in flowers showing their late summer / early autumn bloom. The canyon floor was rocky with green vegetation.

Then it hit me - THIS HAD TO BE MADE BY SOMEONE. This beautiful scenery and all of nature, had to have been made by a God who loves us so much, He would compel us to Himself with a creation that testified of Him. I did not find out until later that, the experience I had lines up perfectly with Romans 1:19-20 and  John 1:3.

I didn't find out until later,  that is His plan, His M.O. God uses nature - His creation to tell of His glory. Who and what He is and what He is like.  

The creation is never greater than the creator.  It stands to reason then - if creation itself is that awesome and full of grandeur, how awesome and full of grandeur is the Creator?

He uses general revelation to draw us to Himself. When we seek Him He rewards us with Himself (Hebrews 11:6) and specific revelation. When we seek Him, He can then use His Word, our prayers, other people, as well as any other way He chooses to speak into our lives and into our specific situations.

He will use moments in our distant past if necessary to affect our eternity, for our benefit, if we will only let Him. Choose to let Him!


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