Friday, May 23, 2014

Wise As Serpants

This study was prepared for inmates at Polk County in October of '07. It was prepared for one inmate in particular (I’m going to call him Charles from here on) that was awaiting transfer to prison. He had been to prison in His twenties and now going back. He was was fifty-eight at the time.

This man made no excuses for his actions – wanted pity from no one. He had been convicted of a felony in the past and it was illegal for him to own or be in control of a firearm. That means in his home. He was arrested and subsequently convicted when a family member was arrested and a gun found in that family member’s bed room.

Charles was a regular attendee of our weakly Bible study sessions and I knew him quite well. I knew him through almost every stage of his case. He was convinced, as was everyone else that he would not go to prison – he did. He was sentenced to thirty years.
 A requirement of federal time is that at least 2/3 of the time be served. Because of his diabetes and his age, this could very well be a life sentence.

He was a very strong believer and had been for twenty years or so. He had made up his mind that he was going to use the life he had left to be used of God to change lives in prison. He was totally convinced that going to prison was a good thing – that way he could work to spread the Gospel.

The last time I talked to Charles  was three years ago. He was going blind because of diabetes. He was preaching The Gospel as well as leading a separate Bible study group. His one and ONLY concern was for his family.

He was concerned for his wife, kids and particularly concerned that he would not be able to influence his grand-kid's lives.

With his attitude of TOTAL responsibility and his total commitment to the Gospel, I’ll bet he already has influenced them. I know he has influenced mine!

Although this study has application if you’re going to a physical prison, without Jesus in our lives, we are all in a spiritual prison of our own. No one would attest to this more than Charles.


Text verse -

Matt 10:16

Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.

Read Matt :11–17

Referenced today – Bible, Sparking Gems From The Greek

Jesus getting ready to send disciples out to witness – preach the Gospel – prepare them for ministry, to start the church as we know it. The same universal church we are part of, Think of that … us as a vital part of God re-establishing His Kingdom

  • No punctuation early Greek. I have to believe Jesus Knew this would be written down for you and me to take instruction from. So He said verily, verily.
  • He was telling them and us to LISTEN UP! - WHAT I’M ABOUT TO SAY IS IMPORTANT.

  • Whenever we see verily, verily or in some versions, truly truly listen carefully to what He is going to say, it’s important!

  • Jesus gave at least 6 instructions and some consequences for the
disciples and the people for listening or not listening to them.

  • Get to vs 16 and tells them to be “wise as serpents”

In this verse, Jesus instructs His disciples (and us) to be “wise as serpents.” The word “wise”
is the Greek word pronimos, which means prudent, careful, cunning, discerning, thoughtful, intelligent,
or sensible. This word perfectly depicts the behavior and actions of snakes. They are very careful, discerning, intelligent, and prudent in how they act. The Greek word for “serpent” is the word ophis,
which is the normal Greek word that refers to a snake.

It is a fact that Jesus told us that we need to be “wise as serpents”! The Greek literally means we
need to be as prudent, discerning, intelligent, thoughtful, and careful as snakes! There is obviously something Jesus wanted us to learn from the behavior of snakes, so I took the time to think about this subject. Finally, I understood exactly why Jesus used this example and how it applies to all of us regarding
our families, businesses, ministries, or any opportunity God places before us in life.

  • ·        Snakes blend in with their surroundings

  •     They are in any particular place for one reason, that reason is survival.

First, when serpents move into a new territory, they don’t announce their presence. Instead, they lay low, stay quiet, and blend into the environment. In fact, you can walk right past a snake and not even realize it! Snakes have the ability to be nearly invisible. They are designed to be camouflaged. This camouflage serves as a protective covering. The vilest aggressor can walk right past, but the serpent is not noticed because it has blended so well into the landscape. That camouflage gives the serpent latitude to move about freely as it finds its way around new territory. As snakes evaluate a new situation, they see what kind of opportunities are in the area. They identify places of shelter. They find “hiding places” to protect themselves from attack. They observe to see where they can find the easiest prey. When all these facts are assimilated, the serpent is ready to act. But this “settling-in” period is a key time for a serpent.

 And Jesus said there is wisdom in a serpent’s behavior from which we need to learn! When God calls you or me to do something new — to move to new territory or to seize a divine opportunity — it is wisdom for us to move carefully and slowly into that new phase of our lives.

A common mistake is to act too fast. Acting hastily before all the facts are gathered and assimilated can lead us to bad decisions based on incomplete, or even worse - false information. In fact, one serious mistake can cause us to lose an opportunity altogether. I can testify to you about his firsthand.

It is better to lay low, stay quiet, and blend into the environment for a while, learning from the sights and the facts we observe.

We need to apply this to every phase of our lives – we have to be sensitive to The Spirit so we can gather facts and information : Most serious mistakes are avoidable when moving to a new situation or environment. I strongly advise you to take your time and be sure of the actions you take before you ever act.
 I would suggest that you first:

  • Learn the landscape of your new environment.

  • Locate places of spiritual shelter for you and your family.

  • See what kind of attacks could potentially come against you.

  • Take time to really understand the opportunities around you.

  • Take advantage of your preparation time before you announce great and glorious
plans, making sure that you are completely informed of all the facts.

Once we have gathered all the facts and know who and what the dangers are we must act and seize the moment!

·        Don’t let fear or conventional “wisdom” rule (lean not your own understanding - Proverbs)

·        Be sensitive to The Holy Spirit’s leading

·        New ventures God springs on us are always scary – remember:  you must rely on Him “where God guides, He provides”. (Pastor Dan)

·        But, how do I know it’s God? –

1.    listen – spend as much time listening in quiet time as talking when praying. Do you - like someone who talks all the time? Do we learn more by listening or talking?
2.    get to know Him – thru His Word / Renew your mind (Rom 12:1&2, Josh 1:8)

3.    When we act. we  must act in faith – “without faith it is impossible to please Him” Heb 11:6

4.    diligently seek Him

What if I miss it?

·        Everyone misses God from time to time

·        Rom 8:28 – don’t miss God on purpose, because you think He is going to bail out of your recklessness, but know that by doing something, it is easier to change course and make adjustments than miss an opportunity altogether because of being afraid to act. (example of stationary car harder to turn steering wheel than one moving). Take this in context.

·        Diligently seek Him

Diligently seeking Him is always the answer, whether we are in good circumstances or bad.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

The Blood

Text - Leviticus 17:11 (NASB)
 'For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you on the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood by reason of the life that makes atonement.'

  • God gave the people of Israel all kinds of rules to live by – called “Law Of Moses”
  • Leviticus 17: 15 says
  'Anyone, whether native-born or alien, who eats anything found dead or torn by wild animals must wash his clothes and bathe with water, and he will be ceremonially unclean till evening; then he will be clean.
            Make mental note that part of the process of becoming clean was to wash with water

  • He knew the people could not keep The Law – His purpose was to show that. When The Messiah would come He would fulfill Law  -
Matthew. 5:17
"Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill
Acts 13:39
and through Him everyone who believes is freed from all things, from which you could not be freed through the Law of Moses.

He would re-establish God’s Kingdom and bring with Him and give freely (Ephesians 2:8-9) God’s Salvation and everything that is perfect.
·        John 1:17
For the Law was given through Moses; grace and truth were realized through Jesus Christ.
  • God’s Plan was, and is being carried out now, that Jesus would (and is) our permanent sacrifice.  
John 1:29   The next day he saw Jesus coming to him and said, "Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.

  • note: John was baptizing when he saw Jesus. It is no accident that Jesus set the example of baptism for us and requires it of believers who are “born again” (interesting that John was baptizing – symbolic cleansing of old nature – by going under water & coming up clean)

  • Note also that John called Jesus “The Lamb Of God” in old testament the lamb always died

  • Ephesians 5:26
That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,

·        Jesus is The Word.  John 1:1, 14

·        John 2  1 And the third day there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee; and the mother of Jesus was there: 2 and Jesus also was bidden, and his disciples, to the marriage. 3 And when the wine failed, the mother of Jesus saith unto him, They have no wine


·        Before Jesus was crucified at Last Supper he gave thanks and gave instruction:

Mark 14: 22 While they were eating, He took some bread, and after a (R)blessing He broke it, and gave it to them, and said, "Take it; this is My body."
23 And when He had taken a cup and given thanks, He gave it to them, and they all drank from it.
 24 And He said to them, "This is My blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many

·       Jesus is telling us that HE is the lifeblood we need
·       Jesus is telling us that His blood is the lifeblood of our salvation
·       Jesus is telling us that until we drink of His blood that He sacrificed for us, we will not have life.
·        HE is telling us to accept the Free Gift He is offering!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

So You Call Yourself A Christian

Not sure how many times I have heard this but it really drives me crazy when it comes from a believer.  As if the practicing “Christian” is perfect like the one he follows.
I expect non-believers to have this attitude - but not from followers of Christ. As long as we are in the flesh and have un-glorified bodies we will fight the flesh (James 4:4, and      2 Corinthians 10:4).  We should know that.
           What happened to extending the Grace that has been extended us to others? What gives the saved in Christ the right to be judgmental of anyone? Especially our brother in Christ. Our place is to help physically if we can and to pray – not to judge people. As Thomas A Kempis puts it in his treaties Imitation Of Christ
Look well unto thyself, and beware that thou judge not the doings of others. In judging others a man laboureth in vain; he often erreth, and easily falleth into sin; but in judging and examining himself he always laboureth to good purpose. According as a matter toucheth our fancy, so oftentimes do we judge of it; for easily do we fail of true judgment because of our own personal feeling. If God were always the sole object of our desire, we should the less easily be troubled by the erring judgment of our fancy.
Instead of looking at ourselves first,we take the attitude that the expectation is perfection instead of the forgiveness and the Grace that has been extended to us. We get as judgmental as the not born again - and we complain about the audacity of them judging us so unfairly.
            You see, non-believers, for the most part, don't hang with believers, they don’t understand the concept of forgiveness, the absoluteness of God’s love or Law, Grace, the non-degrees of sin, loving the person but hating the sin – etc.. Those are all foreign - almost ridiculous concepts for the non-believer.
 God is a perfect God of absolute right and wrong, who hates sin but LOVES the sinner (all people – Romans 3:23). WE ARE SUPPOSED TO UNDERSTAND THIS and cut everyone slack. Instead, we go even further and get ticked at everyone including our alleged co-worker In Christ or better yet the new Christian striving to be co-workers.
 As a believer in Christ your foremost calling is to take Him to the world (Mark 16:15).
 Ephesians 3:6 that the Gentiles are fellow heirs, and fellow members of the body,
and fellow partakers of his promise in Christ Jesus through the Good News ...
The Word makes the point that the Gentiles of Paul’s day were just as much a member of the body of Christ as the Jew. If that obstacle could be cleared then, we can surely treat our fellow believer as the asset that he truly is.
With the empowerment of The Holy Spirit along with help of or brothers and sisters in The Lord we can take the Gospel to the world.