Thursday, May 8, 2014

Meditate On The Word

Text : Joshua 1:8

Many forms of Bible Study
·        Topical – choose a topic
·        Expositional – entire book – verse by verse
·        Survey method – a focus at generalities instead of details
·        Biographical – a study of a particular person
·        Word study
·        Verse study
Bible study is imperative to:
·        Our own spiritual growth
·        Spiritual growth of others around us  - Job 15:8
·        Take the whole Bible in context – cover to cover – only then is the Truth revealed – “whole council of God”
·        God’s primary way to connect with man.

Some general principles of study and or reading your Bible –
·        Context – Who is talking to whom and what is happening
·        What is going on
·        What are they trying to say and why
·        Always find out : who, what ,why, how, when, and where
·        Pay attention to prepositions – whenever you see the word therefore – find out what its       therefore
·        When trying to understand a verse, always read the verses before and after it (2-3) to try to catch context.
·        Always remember – there are many levels to Word , after you think you have it figured out, rely on the Holy Spirit – Holy Spirit reminds you and teaches you John 14:26
·        Whenever you see Jesus Christ when reading The Word, it speaks of us reaching to Heaven – when you see Christ Jesus, it speaks of Heaven reaching to us.
·        The Old Testament points to Jesus. The New Testament is His story, and tells what He has done for us and salvation, how to accept it and our responsibility to others.
·        The Bible ALWAYS agrees with itself, when you think there is a conflict pray for enlightenment  
                  - Eph 1:18  the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints,
-         Study out the conflicted passages – make sure all passages are read in context with themselves and with each other.
-         Seek out help with someone more mature in The Lord than yourself.




Meditate on God’s Word (my favorite)

·        Make it a priority – make a decision to do it on purpose.
·        1st thing in AM choose verse – possibly from devotional (Daily Bread etc.)
·        if using devotional you get the added benefit of someone else’s take and revelation as well as your own.
·        look up verse in the Bible to make sure you have it right.
·        Write it down.
·        3-4 time per day, using synonyms, substitute the important words of the verse
·        Compare you “new” verse with the original.
·        Think about verse in light of your substitutions as well as the takes from your devotional or your own previous revelation.

Meditate on Scripture – command of God (He only wants the best for us)
Josh 1:8, Psalm 1:2, Psalm 119:48, Deut 6:9, Duet 11:18 (our duty to teach our children)…(many verses concerning meditation)
Duet 4:40, Duet 30:19

God’s Word will always – either by inference of context or more direct quotation, will appear at lest twice in the Bible – Usually in The Old Testament and The New also.  – Matt 16:16 , 16:19

·        The reason for meditation in the first place is to think more like God.

Rom 12:2  And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

·        Those two verses tell about the power of agreement (one of God’s principles)
·        The key word here is agree
Only when we agree with God is he obligated – that’s why our prayers MUST line up with God’s will – examples  (that’s a whole series of studies in itself)

At this point lets meditate on Ephesians 2:8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God,

Do this everyday, make a commitment for 30 days it will change your life!

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