Tuesday, August 25, 2015

John 1 - 2

John 1-2
1)      Existed in the beginning 2)      Existed in close relation to God (as a separate person) 3)      Existed as God
 Jesus is God  1)      1:1 in his pre-incarnate state 2)      1:14 in his incarnate state  3)      20:28 in his resurrected state
 John 1:1
-The word means “beginning, origin, first cause.” – beginning of history (before man) / born again (spiritual)
- Two beginnings -  eternity past and beginning of man/spirit  – Gen. 1:26  God said let us make man in our image….                                                                                                                     
  • Who was God talking to?
  • Connect to Genesis … light / darkness (1:5)
  • The Word is part of creation
  • Never was a time when Jesus was not
  • Jesus is God
 1: 3-5
After describing the relationship to the Father, the Word’s relationship to creation is stated. The Word is equal with God, but superior to creation. …. The Word is not part of creation.
Proverbs 8:12-9:12 is an OT description of “the Word.” John states here clearly what the OT had been alluding to in the use of “word”
John addresses the first manifestation of “The Word” communicating with man:   Creation.
  • In creation God gave one of his greatest revelations of himself (Romans 1)
  • Jesus was the one who created everything:      1 Cor. 8:6 ,      Col. 1:16,  Heb. 1:2, Rev. 3:14
  • Life as refer to Jesus = Total 135x
“light shines” is present tense here for the first time.  The manifestation of this light into the world and into the hearts of men is a continuous action that continues even today. But, the shining of the light that occurred at creation and at the incarnation is still occurring today by that same Word. God’s manifestation of his revelation is not over and historically recorded.  It is recorded, but it is still shining in life and light today

This was not a dual between two equal powers.  Just as light is always greater than darkness, Jesus, the creator is always greater than darkness.

Nature reveals this truth.
a)      We turn on a light switch which drives away the darkness.
b)      The sun drives out the darkness in the morning.  The only reason darkness returns; the sun sets and leaves our view.
c)      We can create light with bulbs.  We cannot create dark bulbs.
d)      Darkness never drives out the light in any natural occurrence.  Darkness only occurs when light is removed or absent.

This theme will reach its highlight in the crucifixion.  This was the darkest moment. 
The darkest event completely disappears, though in the light of the resurrection.
 What John introduces in these three verses continues throughout the book.
  • Jesus authority in Creation both physically and spiritually
  • Parallels of light and darkness which represent:
    • Revelation and salvation (light)
    • Ignorance and sin (darkness)
The Seven Witnesses
In the gospel of John there are 7 witnesses
1)      The Father 5:31-32, 34, 37; 8:18
2)      Christ 8:14, 18; 3:11, 32; 8:37
3)      The Holy Spirit 15:26; 16:14
4)      Jesus’ Works 5:36; 19:25; 14:11; 15:24
5)      Scripture 5:39; 5:45-46
6)      John the Baptist 1:7; 1:8; 1:15; 1:19; 1:32; 1:34; 3:26; 5:33
7)      Human witnesses:
a.       Disciples 15:27; 19:35; 21:24
b.      Samaritan woman 4:39
c.       Multitude 12:17

The Prophet was sent by God,  Prophets had to have evidence, No evidence proves they were false
 There Must Be Evidence to Verify the Truth
  • It is important to have credible witnesses to the truth.
  • God and John are not going to ask you to believe something without verifying its truthfulness.
  • To have faith (confidence) in something there must be some evidence or proof of facts.
  • Again, faith is not blind faith.Bible teaching itself should be logical and make sense in the world we live. - secular history as well as archology

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